Republic of Indonesia Republic of Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia is the largest and most populous among the ASEAN countries. The area of Indonesia consists of more than 17.000 islands, including several of the largest on earth: the western part of New Guinea, Borneo (Kalimantan), Sumatra, Jawa and Sulawesi. By land area, Indonesia is the 14 th largest in the world, while with over 270 million people, it’s the 4 th most populous (and Jawa being the most densely populated island). Indonesia is a presidential, constitutional republic.
The archipelago has been known for its trade routes and valuable goods from at least the 7 th century AD. Its natural resources, despite former colonialism and recent exploitation are still vast and rich, which support a diverse agriculture.

  • Head of State : President Joko Widodo
  • Capital : Jakarta
  • National Flag : Republic of Indonesia
  • Language(s) : Indonesian
  • Currency : Rupiah
  • Indonesia’s official portal for SMEs: SMEsta