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Myanmar : IP awareness workshop 2022 for SMES jointly held by the IP Office and the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection

IP awareness
workshop 2022 for small and medium enterprises was held at the IP Office under
the Ministry of Commerce on August 12th, with a virtual meeting in the
conference hall.

The Deputy-
Director General of the IP Department, Dr. Hnin Nwe Aye and Deputy-Director
General U Aung Myo Khaing of the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and
Inspection delivered the opening remarks. This IP awareness workshop was
jointly held by the IP Department under the Ministry of Commerce and the
Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection(DISI) under the Ministry
of Industry. for raising awareness of MSMEs related to Intellectual Property
Rights and making all entrepreneurs aware of trademark, copyright and patent
protection for their businesses.

81 participants
including Small and Medium enterprises, business association and government
officials from various regions/states were attended the IP awareness workshop.
This workshop shared the knowledge about Trademark, Patent and Industrial
Design by the officials from the IP office.

Source: Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection

August 26, 2022