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Sultanate fares well in Muslim travel index

Brunei Darussalam maintained the 12th spot in the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) 2022, with a 61 per cent score. It secured full marks for its prayer venues and airport, and a 90 per cent score for its halal dining.

Additionally, the Sultanate ranked ninth in the services category, and the top 10th destinations after Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and Egypt.

The services category evaluates the availability of core Muslim-friendly services and key touch points at the destination.

Most services, such as the restaurant sector, were at a standstill with forced temporary closures in 2020 and 2021.

They are just re-opening after a long pause. 

As such, data collected in 2019 was taken as the reference point for several sub-criteria under this category.

The GMTI 2023 is foreseen to be able to capture the actual state of these services re-opening after the pandemic.

With the impact of the pandemic easing, the tourism sector is again finding its footing and has begun to show significant developments in the last few months, the report said.

Source: Borneo Bulletin
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August 17, 2022