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Thai digital content fetches global deals worth THB690.65m

Digital content created by 53 Thai companies fetched some THB690.65 million from foreign buyers in the latest fair organised by the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP).

            The department’s director-general, Phusit Ratanakul, said the DITP had recently organised the Bangkok International Digital Content Festival 2022 (BIDC 2022) with cooperation from eight private and state partners to help Thai digital content producers sell their products.

            He said the fair successfully matched 46 leading global firms from 12 countries with the 53 Thai digital content makers.

The matchings led to 266 online negotiating partners and helped the Thai firms sell products worth THB690.65 million, Phusit added.

Animations accounted for THB412.9 million, digital characters for THB150 million, games THB103.9 million and e-learning courses THB23.6 million.

The foreign firms were mostly interested in Thailand’s animation outsourcing services, followed by game outsourcing service, game development and animation co-production, Phusit added.

Thai digital content fetches global deals worth THB690.65m It was the ninth time that the DITP had held the fair with cooperation from the Thai Game Software Industry Association, the ACM SIGGRAPH Bangkok Chapter, the Digital Content Association of Thailand, the E-Learning Association of Thailand, and the Thai Animation and Computer Graphics Association, Phusit said.

Three public organisations — Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, the Digital Economy Promotion Agency and the Creative Economy Agency — supported the fair.

Thai digital content fetches global deals worth THB690.65m Phusit said the DITP and its partners wanted to promote digital content as one of key industries for steering the country’s economy in line with the government’s creative economy policy and plan to promote Thailand as digital content hub that will also become the country’s soft power.


Source : The Nation Thailand


June 24, 2022