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Brunei Trade website consolidates import and export information

The government has launched a one-stop trade information website that consolidates requirements, opportunities, and explainers for importers and exporters.

Brunei Trade, launched by the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) on April 26, houses the latest information for importers and exporters as well as a directory of local companies’ products for foreign buyers.

The website is aimed at socialising trade-related information as part of the government’s wider efforts to improve connectivity to the global market, with the Sultanate being a participant of several notable free-trade agreements including the world’s largest trade bloc, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Acting Director of MoFE’s Trade Division Nor Zerlina Hj Momin added that the website also contains information on tariff rates, trade-related agreements, trade shows as well as step-by-step tutorials on importing and exporting.

Source:  Biz Brunei

June 17, 2022