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“Hybrid Seminar on Innovative Products Practices for Food Processing in Myanmar”

to the ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement Fund , Ministry of Industry,
Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection held the third phase of
Innovative Products Practices for Food Processing in Myanmar, “Hybrid Seminar
on Innovative Products Practices for Food Processing in Myanmar” at M Gallery
Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 27th – 28th January 2022
with the aim of sharing good practices of innovation to food processing industry
in Myanmar and  the development of food
processing industry in ASEAN-Hong Kong region.

Representatives from ASEAN and Hong Kong joined the seminar virtually and MSMEs
from Region, State, Naypyidaw Union Territory and Officials from the SME Development
Department, Industrial Supervision and Inspection Department also attended
physically. At the opening ceremony of the Hybrid Seminar on Innovative
Products Practices for Food Processing in Myanmar, Dr. Wah Wah Maung, Permanent
Secretary of Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, Myanmar
SEOM Lead and Ms. Sri D Kusumarwardhani , the
Representative of ASEAN Secretariat delivered the opening remarks respectively.

the seminar, the experts shared the experiences mentored to the selected MSMEs
of the 1st phase of the project, Local and International Panelists
discussed in Panel Session with the title of “Innovative Products Practices for
Food Processing”, the selected MSMEs made the presentation about the
differences of business situations before and after mentoring, and MSMEs from ASEAN
Members States (AMS) on Hong Kong also shared experiences of Innovation and
best practices.

implementing the project of “Innovative Products Practices for Food Processing
in Myanmar”, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs in AMS and Hong Kong have
many advantages. They are strengthening
knowledge and capacities of innovation, and enhancing the understanding of best
innovative practices which are being used in other countries, increasing the quality of  products in line with International Standards
and utilizing strategies based on the innovation knowledge of food industries, c
reating business linkages among
international participants and market opportunities in AMS and Hong Kong.

February 21, 2022