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Cambodia: New platform set in motion to promote RD on food technology

While Cambodia is known for its wealth in natural resources and raw materials, it is still very much reliant on imported products including products of the sea.

Fisheries is one sector that is thought to be neither competitive nor reaching its full potential in the country, attributed to the lack of innovation and technology.

Director General of the Fisheries Administration Poum Sotha revealed that fishery processed products from Cambodia are behind in terms of added-value and product diversification as there has not been an optimised use of the resources from the sea.

To address this, a Food Technology, Research, and Innovation Platform has been set up. It is aimed at promoting research and development, knowledge transfer and enhancing collaboration between the post-harvest fishery production sector and higher education institutions.

The initiative which also received support from the European Union also aims to build a research and innovation ecosystem in Cambodia.

To initiate the establishment, a one-day discussion was held, headed by CAPFISH  Project of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO ) together with representatives from higher education institutions, the private sector, officials from the Fisheries Administration, and the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation.

The cooperation would benefit higher education institutions, research institutions and the private sector in promoting support for fisheries sub-sector development, both freshwater and sea aquaculture to meet the needs of both the domestic and export markets.

For full article, please read here 

Author: Sok Sithika

Source: Khmer Times 

February 13, 2022