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Solar energy in nat’l grid up 10%

The amount of solar energy transmitted through the national grid is around 10 per cent higher than in the same time last year, and authorities are encouraging more investment in clean and renewable energy, according to the head of the state electric utility.

Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) director-general Keo Rottanak told The Post on February 7 that the Ministry of Mines and Energy and EdC have been working to increase the power supply capacity and meet the growing demand inspired by economic growth.

He highlighted two main goals in the undertaking – ensuring sufficient electricity supply and providing clean energy sources.

A 20MW solar farm in Monorom commune, Svay Teap district, Svay Rieng province was recently hooked up to the national grid through connection to a distribution network in Bavet town, bringing the province’s solar power generation capacity to 30MW, he said.

He added that this will curb reliance on electricity supply from the capital and hydropower sources such as the Sesan river, stimulate investment activities, and promote what he termed a “green-energy zone”.

He stressed that Cambodia regards the furtherance of clean energy generation as a major priority. “This results in the provision of sufficient energy in Cambodia, with the appreciation that the sustainability of environmental protection is ensured,” he said.

About 350MW of solar power has been integrated into the national grid, with Pailin province accounting for the lion’s share at 90MW or 25.7 per cent, followed by Kampong Speu (80MW; 22.9 per cent), Battambang and Kampong Chhnang (60MW; 17.1 per cent), and Banteay Meanchey and Svay Rieng (30MW; 8.6 per cent), he added.

For full article, please read here

Author: Hin Pisei

Source: The Phnom Penh Post 

February 13, 2022