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Cambodia: Berlin eyeing local mangoes

Cambodia is slated to export fresh and dried mangoes to the European market, Germany above all, as Berlin investigates the possibility of export.

On November 24, officials from the German embassy and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) visited Kirirom Food Production Co Ltd (KFP) and other growers, in search of potential suppliers of fresh and dried mangoes to respond to the robust European demand for the fruit.

KFP sales manager Meas Holy told The Post on November 25 that ambassador Christian Berger and the delegation discussed providing support for the firm’s processing plant and facilitating the purchase of mangoes for export to Germany and other European countries.

Although no specific estimates for the volume of mangoes considered for import were given, the officials did say they would support and enhance cooperation between EU buyers and local firms geared towards exports, he said.

“Now they’ve come to see if we are capable of supplying them. My company doesn’t source enough fresh mangoes to export, we plan to remedy that in about two years, but on the other hand, we do have enough dried mango to ship,” Holy said, claiming that KFP products fit the bill in terms of quality.

He believes that the German and other EU markets are wide-ranging and boast strong demand for fresh and dried mangoes, and are ripe for Cambodia to expand its market presence.

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Author: Nov Sivutha

Source: The Phnom Penh Post

Publication date: 28 November 2021

November 28, 2021