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Surge in demand for digital skills, says education minister

In light of the recent global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital technologies has now shifted tremendously, and the demand for digital skills has surged, more so in some sectors.

This was said by Minister of Education Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman during his opening keynote address at the ASEAN Business and Investment Roundtables: Skills for a Digital Age hosted by the Brunei ASEAN Business Advisory Council (BAC) via online yesterday.

The minister said, “However, this dramatic increase in innovation and adoption of digital solutions should not take place at the expense of ethical considerations. With the ongoing moral and public debates evolving the use of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics in our daily activities, matters such as liability, accountability, privacy, property and autonomy among which convey adverse insinuations, such as on automatic data collection, algorithms used for predicting and profiling as well as technologies used for surveillance, has become a major public concern.

“Therefore, a holistic approach should be taken to ensure the right ethical and moral principles are instilled in the students at all levels of education.

“In a time when we are less clear on specific skills tomorrow’s workers will require digital ethics, and values has become our guiding principle to develop and implement digital technologies in a responsible manner. In the context of the Sultanate, these values and principles are embedded in the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) philosophy,” said Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah.

Date of Release: 30 September 2021

Read the full article here.

October 09, 2021