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‘Digital transformation, always in the forefront’

Digital transformation has been at the forefront of the agenda even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has sped up the adoption of digital technology and many of these changes could be here for a long haul. This was stated by ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC) Chair and Legislative Council (LegCo) member Yang Berhormat Siti Rozaimeriyanty binti Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Abdul Rahman during the launch of Brunei’s legacy project ‘Harnessing Impact with Resilient Employability Digitally’ (HIRED) at the ASEAN Business and Investment Roundtables: Skills for a Digital Age held virtually yesterday.

The roundtables were part of a series of events under the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2021.

Yang Berhormat Siti Rozaimeriyanty added, “Technology rapidly changes the landscape of work in the region, leaving us with no choice but to upskill and reskill to adapt and accommodate the changes in the industry skill requirements. This is what the ASEAN-backed legacy project is all about.”

HIRED serves to address unemployment issues and on how ASEAN lags behind in upskilling and reskilling. This is even more critical during the pandemic as we hope to achieve UNN sustainable development goals for quality education, decent work, and economic growth.

The event saw a panel discussion on ‘Future of Work’ – what does the future of work in Southeast Asia look like? How is innovation and business transformation changing how employees operate? What are some of the permanent changes in the workplace caused by COVID-19?

Date of Release: 30 September 2021

Read the full article here.

October 10, 2021