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SET to launch “Live Exchange” market for SME fundraising

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is opening a new market on September 14 called “Live Exchange” to serve as a fundraising platform for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


"Currently there are about 30 SMEs who have expressed interest in this market by joining SET’s training programme called “Scaling Up Platform”, which will help prepare them for the fundraising,” said Manpong Senanarong, SET senior executive vice president and head of issuer and listing division, on Thursday.


“We expect the fundraising in Live Exchange will actually start at the earliest before the year-end, or in early 2022 at the latest.”


Businesses who join the market before 2023 will be exempted from all the fees for three years, he added.


“Interested businesses will be allowed to submit their filings after the Securities and Exchange Commission has issued all related regulations of the market,” said Manpong.


“The consideration period of filings for the new market will be shorter compared to the SET and MAI [Market for Alternative Investment].”


Live Exchange will open only to SME operators who meet the asset requirements and not to retail investors. Trading will open one round per day and continuous trading is not allowed. Investors can only sell shares that they actually hold, while buyers of shares must use cash only.


Original published: September 10, 2021

September 27, 2021