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Skills Development Award in 2021 open for application

After the successful launch of the Skills Development Award in 2019, the ASEAN Business Advisory Council has integrated it as one of the main award categories in the ASEAN Business Awards.
In 2021, under the chairmanship of ASEAN Business Advisory Council Brunei Darussalam, GIZ-RECOTVET continues supporting the organization of the Skills Development Award that honours outstanding businesses that have demonstrated a significant contribution to human resources development in ASEAN. Applicants are capable of developing a skilled workforce, especially considering the expected impacts of Industry 4.0 for a competitive and dynamic ASEAN economic community.
The Skills Development Award is awarded in cooperation with the German government's RECOTVET programme, implemented by GIZ.

Why join?
• Validation and recognition;
• Media exposure and regional publicity;
• Business development opportunities.

Who can apply?
• Be an ASEAN-incorporated enterprise with at least 40% ASEAN-owned equity;
• Be in operations for a minimum of 3 (SMEs) to 5 (Large companies) years;
• Preferably have an operational presence in 2 or more ASEAN countries;
• Preferably have 2 (SMEs) to 3 (Large companies) years of audited financial statements;
• Previous winners of the award are eligible to apply again after 3 years.

What are the criteria?
1. Impact on human resources development through improvements of the quality of skills of the workforce
2. Cooperation with governments or training institutions
3. Innovation and replicability in other sectors or ASEAN member states
4. Sustainability financially and institutionally

How to apply?
Tell us how your company contributes to human resources development in ASEAN by submitting your application before 30 September 2021 on the ASEAN Business Awards 2021 webpage.
For more information, please visit the webpage above or contact us at

September 08, 2021