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Heading towards development of ASEAN smart, sustainable city

National representatives of ASEAN member states attended the Fourth ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) via video conference yesterday.

The ASCN chaired by Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) Haji Mohammad Nazri bin Haji Mohammad Yusof, in his capacity as Chair of the ASCN 2021, was also attended by Chief Smart City Officers of member cities, ASCN Shepherd as well as senior officials from ASEAN Secretariat.

The meeting discussed the development of an ASCN Online Portal as well as the development of an ASEAN Smart and Sustainable City Investment Toolkit targetted to be finalised by September.

It also reviewed the progress, challenges, and way forward of the ASCN Smart City Action Plans (SCAPs) of the 26 member cities, including an updated of Kampong Ayer Revitalisation Project and Clean Water River Management Project by Acting Chairman of Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Department Aminuddin bin Buntar as the Chief Smart City Officer of Bandar Seri Begawan.

The progress and development made with regards to smart city cooperation with the Dialogue Partner and External Partner were also briefed. The meeting agreed for Singapore to renew its tenure as ASCN Shepherd to provide advice and support to the ASCN Chair, in line with the terms of reference, for the next two years.

Deputy Permanent Secretary (Infocommunications) at the MTIC Haji Hairul Mohd Daud bin Haji Abdul Karim, senior officials from MTIC and other ministries were also present.

The ASCN was established in April 2018 at the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Singapore. It currently has 26 member cities from the 10 ASEAN member states. The ASCN meets annually to discuss progress on each city’s action plan, launch new projects, and explore new opportunities with ASEAN’s external partners.

Date of Release: 31 August 2021

Read the full article here.

September 03, 2021