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High Time to Build Warehouses

Cross-border logistics service provider Janio Indonesia country head Widiatmoko said warehouse and fulfillment center business is robust especially with the growing number of e-commerce players.

With regard to B2B global e-commerce business, Widiatmoko said, the presence of warehouse or fulfillment center is very crucial. The warehouse for Indonesian products in Manila, for example, will speed up the distribution of those products when there are orders from Manila.

“Demand [for Indonesian products] from Manila will quickly be fulfilled by the fulfillment center,” he said at a recent Virtual Trade Show Indonesia-Philippines 2021 organized by and Philippine Business Club Indonesia.

Whenever there are orders or demands for Indonesian products from consumers in the Philippines, they don’t have to wait shipment directly from Indonesia. The Filipino consumers can receive Indonesian products much quicker as they are taken from the inventories at the warehouse.

Trade Attache at Indonesian Embassy in Manila, Lazuardi Nasution, has expressed his agreement with the idea to build warehouse or fulfillment center of Indonesian products in Manila.

“Once, I had thought of the idea to build a warehouse. I later shared the idea to Indonesian community or diaspora in Manila. Unfortunately, they were not enthusiastic,” he said at the same event.

Author: Kurniawan Hari

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June 24, 2021