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Adoption of skills framework boosts competitiveness of MSMEs

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are advised to adopt a skills framework for enhancing their workers’ skills for specific job roles to boost productivity and competitiveness, better positioned to compete in both local and global markets.

Jayvie Guballo, resource person for human capital development (HCD) in Philippine Trade Training Center-Global MSME Academy, said the Philippine Skills Framework (PSF) has been developed for logistics and supply chain, and creatives (digital arts and animation and game development), and HCD and business development.

Guballo said the PSF is a comprehensive and authoritative document that identifies the actual jobs available in the industry and the skills needed to qualify and improve curriculum.

“(PSF) enhanced productivity. Upskilling and reskilling employees lead to more efficient operations and higher productivity. When training and skills of our employees are updated, expect that your business operations run smoothly and business become competitive,” he said during the recent MSME Week 2024 celebration in mixed English and Filipino.
Guballo said the PSF also guides businesses for their workforce become more capable of adopting new technologies and innovative practices  

“Especially in marketing, if we want to upgrade the skills of our sales person, they should have an idea on the digital way of marketing,” he said.

Guballo said the skills framework also enhances the ability of business to compete in the markets.

“Because of the training and because of the capacity-building, employees and business owners will have an idea how to integrate their products to be sold in local and global markets,” he added.

Guballo further said investing in employee development can also lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

 “Training is a good thing. Business owners should realize that training needs to be integrated as part of their budget,” he said.

August 2, 2024

August 14, 2024