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Brunei recorded highest ship traffic in 2023: Minister

In 2023, Brunei Darussalam saw the highest number of inbound and outbound ship traffic coming into its ports, at 12,801 ships. It shows that the shipping sector has been one of the beneficiaries of the growth and developments in the downstream and export-oriented industries.

This was shared by Minister of Transport and Infocommunications Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary bin Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Mustapha during the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and scholarship at The Empire Brunei.

The minister said, “The planned expansion and renovation of Muara Port as well as development of an integrated marine maintenance and decommissioning yard will further grow the shipping requirements in the country as well as attract more traffic into our port and facilities. Undoubtedly, this will also grow the demand for Darussalam Pilotage Services Sdn Bhd (DPS) pilotage and towage services. He added, “The Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications and the Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (MPABD) are tasked to further improve the local content aspects of the maritime sector” .

“The industry has the ability to generate job opportunities for locals. In addition, MPABD also looks at reassessing and sustaining our capabilities, through the Brunei Maritime Academy (BMA), to develop and cultivate a highly-skilled maritime workforce that supports and drive our economic diversification and sustainable development efforts.”

The minister also commended the DPS scholarship programme by saying, “The true measure of an organisation’s potential lies in the calibre of its human capital.

He noted that the DPS’ vision is geared towards nurturing a new generation of maritime pilots, who will not only helm the ships but also chart a course towards a sustainable and innovative future. 

Source: Borneo Bulletin

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May 28, 2024