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Indonesia and Singapore are teaming up to build Southeast Asia’s digital hub of the future

Nongsa Digital Park, a collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore in Batam, Indonesia, is set to be a digital hub for technology start-ups from both countries, helping them form closer ties, increase technological cooperation, and share talent, resources and market share. The park will comprise co-living and co-working spaces, a tech campus, and a plaza, big enough to accommodate 8,000 tech specialists.

Both countries are already home to two of Southeast Asia’s most vibrant technology ecosystems, with several ASEAN tech unicorns headquartered in either country, and companies from both countries are often collaborating, as well as competing with each other, especially when starting international expansions. Additionally, while Singapore is technologically more advanced, Indonesia boasts a massive population, keen to take up new technologies. This brings both countries new opportunities for business, collaboration and cross-border expansion.

Source: e27

Photo source: Nongsa Digital Park

Read the full article here

Read more about Nongsa Digital Park here

Thumbnail: By ESB Professional from Shutterstock

February 25, 2021