Latest ASEAN news

ASEAN-EU Agree to Intensify Trade and Investment Relations

The 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting, held in Brussels, Belgium, on Feb 2, agreed to further intensify trade and investment relations between countries as the EU being ASEAN’s third-largest foreign investor and third-largest trading partner in 2022.During the meeting, ASEAN re-emphasized the importance of finding solutions to long-standing market access problems. Both parties also welcome opportunities to increase trade and investment through bilateral free trade agreements, strengthen connectivity and economic relations between the two regions, and increase sustainable development for both parties, such as through the ASEAN-EU Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment (JWG). ASEAN and the EU also reaffirmed the shared values and common interests that underlie the 47 years of ASEAN-EU Dialogue Relations and expressed satisfaction with the comprehensive and diverse nature of dynamic partnerships. Furthermore, ASEAN reaffirmed its ongoing commitment to support Timor-Leste joining ASEAN that is in line with the Roadmap for its full membership in the ASEAN. The meeting also noted that the EU's support for Timor-Leste joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) will help its integration into the global economy and regional architecture.


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February 06, 2024