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Cambodia aims to dominate the cashew market globally by 2027

To boost the domestic processing capacity and achieve Cambodia’s 2027 goal of becoming a leading nation in not just the cultivation of cashews but their processing and export, it is estimated that at least 50 medium-sized processing facilities will be required, according to insiders. At present there are three.

Uon Silot, president of the Cashew nut Association of Cambodia (CAC), shares that more than 90 per cent of the Kingdom’s raw cashews are currently exported to neighbouring countries for further processing. 

One of the existing facilities, “Cashew Village”, is tucked away in the picturesque Banteay Srei district, approximately 25km northeast of Siem Reap town and province.

Founded by Phal Phearum in 2022, this community-driven cashew processing operation has transformed from a small local endeavour to a thriving business which is ready to tap into global export markets.

The journey began with a collaborative effort between Phearum and cashew farmers from Banteay Srei and adjacent Phnom Kulen district. 

Together, they began processing cashew nuts, providing meaningful employment opportunities for six individuals, the majority of them women.

“We buy high-quality nuts from farmers and process them immediately,” said Phearum, who initially worked as a tour guide in the Angkor area after graduating.

“We want good products that will reach consumers, rather than seeing our farmers sell raw nuts to foreign companies which process them and then import the finished products back to us,” he adds.

For full article, please read here

Author: Hong Raksmey 
Source: The Phnom Penh Post 

January 02, 2024