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Cambodia leads FDI growth in SE Asia

Cambodia stands at the forefront of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia, anticipating a robust influx of capital in 2024, buoyed by a solid economic recovery.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects the country’s growth to reach 6.1% next year, as highlighted in the annual FDI Standouts Watchlist from fDi Intelligence, the industry analysis division of Financial Times (FT) Group Ltd.

The report underscores that the study, evaluating the macroeconomic and FDI trends of the world’s top 50 FDI destinations using data from the IMF and fDi Markets, identifies countries poised to enter the new year with strong momentum, as the world continues to navigate an uneven post-pandemic recovery.

“Asia has performed admirably in this year’s Watchlist, with six countries in the top 10: Cambodia, leading the list, followed by the Philippines, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and India. Only three African countries feature in the top 10: Kenya, Namibia and Morocco. Serbia is the sole country outside Asia and Africa to secure a spot in the top 10, ranking ninth,” stated the report.

Chea Vuthy, deputy secretary-general of the Cambodian Investment Board (CIB) and the Cambodian Special Economic Zone Board (CSEZB) at the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), noted at a recent business forum that the country boasts economic potential, peace, security, and political and economic stability. 

He emphasised the crucial role of the private sector in driving national economic development.

“We see that FDI annually approaches $4 billion. In 2020, ASEAN experienced a steep 40% decline, but our FDI remained stable at around $3.6 billion,” said Vuthy.

He added that Cambodian investors took the lead in the first half of the year, buoyed by confidence in the country’s investment climate and “trust in its leadership”.

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Author: May Kunmakara
Source: The Phnom Penh Post

December 13, 2023