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Industry players urged: Embrace AI tech to improve packaging operations

Packaging industry players should proactively embrace artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and invest in research and development to improve various aspects of packaging operations from optimization to design.

“AI has already infiltrated nearly every aspect of the packaging supply chain. Brands and package manufacturers are marrying materials, components, and insights with AI to create next-generation purchase, use, and end-of-life experiences,” David Luttenberger, Global Packaging Director at Mintel Group Ltd., said during the Usapang Exports organized by the Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau.

Luttenberger said AI technologies such as machine learning and robotics automation can analyze vast amounts of data from multiple sources in real time to consistently optimize supply chain operations.

“AI is bringing intelligence to pack design by rapidly evaluating design elements, resulting in design solutions that are efficient, user-centric and visually appealing,” he said, adding this replaces time-consuming and expensive traditional consumer research.

Luttenberger said AI is being used to rapidly create, package and target demographically specific product innovations.

It is likewise utilized for waste identification and sorting to improve recycling quality and efficiency, he said.

“By using machine learning algorithms, it is expected that the system will identify different types of packaging materials -for example, separating food packaging from non-food packaging- thereby improving recycling efficiency and reducing contamination,” he added.

Luttenberger recommended the packaging industry to collaborate with AI experts to leverage the full potential of AI technologies in improving operational efficiency, quality control, supply chain optimization and sustainability practices.

He said industry players need to approach technology logically as they also take accountability for social issues.

Luttenberger underscored the need to use technology and packaging to create brand harmony to enable consumers see how this benefits their life and get the real value for their money.

”Sustainability is about more than recycling and reducing plastic. For brand and package manufacturers, accountability for land and water use, job creation, equitable pay, inclusion, hunger and poverty will be as important as the product and package,” he said.

Luttenberger said navigating tough economic times will also require package manufacturers and brands to collaborate and use resources wisely.

“Succinct messaging will enable consumers to discover the tangible benefits of products and understand measurable packaging attributes,” he added. 

December 13, 2023