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Japan ready to buy more Cambodian agri products

Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia Ueno Atsushi has urged Cambodian exporters to enhance the quality of products with the required standards for exporting the items to the Japanese market.

“Cambodia’s exports of agricultural products to the Japanese market are marginal, but Japan can import more,” he said at a round table discussion on Cambodia-Japan relations at Sun & Moon Hotel, Phnom Penh, yesterday.

The Ambassador called for separate negotiating assistance to the agricultural sector in Cambodia under the official Japanese agency ODA, saying that it must be separated from private investment projects.

Japanese private companies have made some investments in Cambodia such as for the export of pepper products to Japan or cashew products, he added.

“We continue to support exports to Japan, both by the public and private sectors. At the moment, we do not have any restrictions on the import of Cambodian agricultural products to Japan,” he said.

Agricultural products from Cambodia are no different from the agricultural products of ASEAN countries. But the issue is transportation or the trademark of products in Cambodia, he said.

Cambodia and Japan are members of the Regional Comprehensive Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which was put into force in early 2022. Japan is one of the main trade partners of Cambodia.

For full article, please read here

Author: Chea vanyuth

News: Khmer Times

October 04, 2023