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Biz urged to join in matchmaking events to find opportunities

Entrepreneurs can participate in business matchmaking events through a trade portal to find opportunities and contacts in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and other countries.

Triin Udris, consultant at ASEAN Access on behalf of the Office of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) Promotion of Thailand, said the ASEAN Access MATCH is a feature of the trade portal ASEAN Access.

All registered members of ASEAN Access can participate in any webinar, panel discussion and networking session, and all business matchmaking events that it organized through its ASEAN Access MATCH platform. Businesses can also showcase their products, technologies or services in MATCH.

Udris said a business matchmaking event can be both online or onsite, has a theme or industry focus, and pre-booked mini business meetings between all event participants.

“You can book meetings with as many of them as you want and as you can during the time dedicated for matchmaking,” she said in an info and training session organized by the ASEAN Access MATCH.

Udris cited benefits of participating in a business matchmaking event, including gaining many new connections.

“All the meetings take place on zoom and you can have these meetings in your homes, in your office, (so) you can save time and money, you don’t have to travel all around the world…,” she said.

“You can speak with many potential new business partners in a very short time so it is a very efficient way of business development,” she added.

Udris said the ASEAN Access MATCH account is for lifetime, and one just logs in with the same account for all events.

October 02, 2023