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Here are reasons why customers keep getting negative experiences from brands

Marketing materials are too irrelevant.

More than eight in 10 (85%) customers said they experienced negative interactions with brands since the beginning of 2023, results from a Hubspot study showed.

Hubspot said one of the reasons is being inundated with unrelated marketing materials (40%) and lack of brands’ move to improve their services (34%). B2B buyers also have the same reason, with 30% of them saying that brands show a lack of interest in improving services. 

Another issue B2B buyers are feeling is brands have poor expertise or low competency amongst staff (31%). 

Kat Warboys, HubSpot APAC director, advised brands to focus on connecting with their audience before customer management to succeed in the business.

“This is a business problem because the future, as determined by your customers, is connected experiences. The pendulum is swinging back. And like those societal shifts that came before, businesses must adapt and respond”, she added.

Nearly 1,300 Singaporean consumers and business leaders online in May were polled to find out the challenges and changes they have faced over the past few years.

Source: Asian Business Review

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August 22, 2023