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Trade portal enhances MSMEs’ market access in ASEAN, other countries

More micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can utilize a trade portal to enhance market access in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and other countries to expand their businesses.

The ASEAN Access website cited important things to consider when trading goods and services internationally which include foreign trade agreements; customs; rules of origin; export controls; certifications, product/technical standards, health and safety rules; visa and any requirements ensuing from the form of services provision.

“For trade regulations and market information, check your product classification, tariffs, customs laws and regulations,” it said.

The website said several comprehensive international events and trade fairs, matchmaking events and business opportunities databases are also available.

“All (of these) with slightly different user functions, but a wide variety of international event(s) to choose from. Many events are taking place virtually,” it said.

All registered members of ASEAN Access can participate in any webinar, panel discussion and networking session, and all business matchmaking events that it organized through its ASEAN Access MATCH platform.

“MATCH is accessible for free through ASEAN Access, but it requires an additional registration,” it added.

 It underscored the importance for MSMEs in participating in the MATCH.

“You can showcase your products and technologies also between and after events. You can see all other businesses on the platform at any given time. This means you can join the same matchmaking event as a business you’re interested in,” the ASEAN Access said.

August 07, 2023