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Cambodia targets reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Cambodia has plans to use innovation to turn its existing fossil fuel power plants cleaner and greener using technologies such as clean coal technology and carbon capture utilisation and storage.

Mines Minister Suy Sem said this in a recorded video for the virtual Asean Energy Outlook Forum 2022, held this week.

Even though the world has shifted prior policies and resources to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, environment protection and climate change still remain common agendas for sustainable development in the future, he said.

To pursue a country’s social and economic development, it needs to ensure an adequate, affordable, reliable and secure energy supply, he said.

The utilisation of energy efficiency, renewable energy and carbon energy development are effective ways to contribute to the mitigation of climate change, he added.

The ministry has cooperated with the Asian Development Bank to craft a power development plan until 2040 for the purpose of increasing the penetration of clean energy into the power generation mix and to secure energy security and reliability.

In addition to the projects that have already been approved since 2019 and the switch to low carbon energy sources such as imported natural gas – LNG or hydrogen – the ministry has committed not to develop any new coal-fired plants and to increase the utilisation of renewable energy sources and other resources that will not affect the environment.

For full article, please read here

Author: Chea Vanyuth 

Source: Khmer Times 

January 19, 2022