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IMF encourages Brunei to further boost economic diversification

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Directors encouraged Brunei Darussalam authorities to continue to build on efforts to diversify the economy, further attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and enhance human capital and improve private employment.

They welcomed the policy priorities of the recently released Economic Blueprint, and highlighted the importance of accelerating digital and green growth to foster job creation and enhance resilience.

This was highlighted in a report when IMF Executive Board concluded 2021 Article IV Consultation with Brunei Darussalam recently.

Executive Directors also commended the authorities for the strong, timely and multi-pronged policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated decline in oil and gas prices. Noting the uncertain outlook, with risks skewed to the downside, the executive directors stressed the need to maintain supportive policies until recovery is on a firm path. They also underscored the importance of continued reforms to support economic transformation, strengthen resilience, and foster green, digital, and inclusive growth.

Date of Release: 28 September 2021

Read the full article here.

September 29, 2021